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Website/Portal Design and Implementation
We can offer a wide range of website/portal design services including brochure sitesSee explanation in glossary, retail outlets, interactive information portalsSee explanation in glossary and leisure orientated sites. We believe in designing the look and feel to suit your brand and your needs but look at an emphasis on style and ease of use. While we do provide a quick turnaround standard package we can also provide any level of development required for your project using available technologies such as straight HtmlSee explanation in glossary, Dot NETSee explanation in glossary, PerlSee explanation in glossary, PHPSee explanation in glossary, Sql ServerSee explanation in glossary and OracleSee explanation in glossary.
Standard Packages
For quick turnaround we offer one package with various levels of support that is aimed at retail outlets and "non tangeable goodsSee explanation in glossary" sellers alike. It provides all the tools necessary to trade goods efficiently worldwide. Canterbury Collectibles uses our Standard Package.
Bespoke Design
We can design and implement any site you need, from sites that contain static content to fully interactive games sites. Raidbuilder is an example of a fully customised site design using both ASP and Dot NET with MySQL. Collectibles Top 25 is an example of a fully customised site design using both Perl and ASP with SQL Server. Global Invasion is an example of a fully interactive game site that uses ASP with Access.
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