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Raidbuilder is a web based raid management solution that assists World of Warcraft guilds with management of their raiding activities. The service covers event scheduling, team building, DKP tracking, a wealth of reporting and a number of XML feeds. The majority of the site is protected through login requiring users to register an account before gaining access. Although, there are some pages made publicly available without the need to login.

The site needed to be easy to use and be highly customisable as each user potentially would use the solution in a completely different manner. It needed to be capable of handling a high volume of traffic and due to the complex nature of the application the code had to be extremely streamlined and efficient.

The Solution
Raidbuilder is coded using mainly Classic ASP (VB Script) with a small amount of supporting Perl and .NET C#. The site is predominantly straight HTML although some pages make heavy use of JavaScript to provide advanced user interface features. XML feeds are provided for members’ use and some of those feeds are also used internally and presented in HTML using XSLT.


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